Signs You May Need A Root Canal

lady with tooth pain

Keeping up with your oral health is important in order to help fight off infection. Has a tooth been bothering you recently? Have you been using over-the-counter painkillers to help with toothaches? There are many things that can cause toothaches, but tooth decay is the primary cause. Sometimes, the decay will cause severe damage to the tooth. This may result in you needing a root canal to help with the pain and to save the tooth. While the only accurate way to know if you need a root canal is to visit Saratoga Family Dentistry, there are a few signs you can be on the lookout for.

1. Tooth sensitivity

Are you experiencing sensitivity when eating or drinking things that are hot or cold? If this sensitivity lasts longer than 30 seconds, it might be a sign of damage to the nerve within your tooth.

2. Tooth pain

If you are experiencing pain or pressure in a certain area of your mouth, it could be a sign that your tooth is infected. You may feel this more when biting down or applying pressure to the tooth or when you lay down or jump around.

3. Tooth discoloration

If your tooth has become discolored and looks darker than usual, this may be a sign that the interior of your tooth, the root canal, is infected. A tooth that is infected will discolor as the pulp inside the tooth dies.

4. Issues with your gums

When your tooth is infected, it might cause issues with your gums. You might experience localized swollen and red gums, depending on where the infected tooth is. You may also notice a pimple on the gum near the affected tooth, which is caused by a buildup of bacteria beneath the gum tissue.

5. Headaches

Tooth pain or infections might cause you to experience headaches. This pain might also travel to your jaw or ear.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, be sure to contact Saratoga Family Dentistry right away in order to improve your chances for saving your tooth! People often fear root canal procedures as they assume the procedure will be painful. However, advances in the dental industry have improved the procedure. Call us today.