Endodontics Treatments for Complex Root Issues

At Saratoga Family Dentistry, our endodontics experts assist patients in the Saratoga Springs, NY area with root canals and other complex root issues.

All About Dental Roots

The roots of a tooth grow underneath the gums and anchor the tooth into the jawbone. They may become visible over time, however, due to gum recession. Different types of teeth each have unique root formations with a varying number of roots. For example, canines have one while molars have two or three. Many people do not know that roots can get cavities just like teeth.

Roots contain an open space within, known as the canal, where nerves and blood vessels enter the soft pulp tissue in the innermost portion of the tooth. Root canal treatments take place when the canal has become infected with bacteria. During the procedure, inflamed pulp is removed from the inside of the tooth so that it can be thoroughly cleaned, filled, and sealed.

Why Endodontics?

Endodontics is a branch of dentistry focused on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries occurring in the dental pulp. The term comes from the Greek words “endo,” meaning “inside,” and “odont,” meaning “tooth.” Your general dentist may send you to see an endodontist if you are experiencing pain in a tooth. This could be a sign of trouble occurring with your dental roots or soft tissue. If you’re suffering from any complex root issues, trust the endodontics specialists at Saratoga Family Dentistry to relieve your pain and save your tooth.

How to Know if You Need a Root Canal

There are several symptoms which may be signs that you need a root canal. These include:
• lingering sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
• intense pain while chewing or biting
• gums that are tender, swollen, dark, or have pimples
• a tooth that is cracked or chipped
• a deep cavity or problem with a filling

These issues result from bacteria reaching the inside of your tooth. This creates inflammation which, if left untreated, causes pain. The best way to prevent this, and avoid the need for a root canal, is quite simple. Our endodontists recommend following a quality oral health routine that involves the basic care elements of which we are all aware, such as brushing at least twice a day, flossing, and limiting exposure to foods and drinks that are known to be harmful to teeth.

If you do end up needing a root canal or similar procedure, however, it’s not the end of the world. Root canals have a bad reputation, but the fact of the matter is that skilled endodontists like those at Saratoga Family Dentistry will make it so you experience little to no discomfort at all. Contact us today to learn more!